AbbyBot Terms and Conditions

We know that people aren't very interested in reading the terms and conditions of a product. For this reason, we have summarized AbbyBot's terms in just 12 sections. Please read them below.

AbbyBot Terms and Conditions (August 2024)

0. AbbyBot name

  • 0.1 The name: The AbbyBot name should be written as 'AbbyBot'. Variants such as 'abbybot', 'Abby bot', 'abby bot', or others are not accepted. The correct use of the name is and will be 'AbbyBot'.
  • 0.2 Discord username: As of today (August 2024), AbbyBot's Discord username is 'AbbyBot#1727'. This username will remain as long as AbbyBot exists or until Discord policies change.
  • 0.3 Possible plagiarism: In case another bot appears with a name similar to AbbyBot, as long as it does not use the exact name mentioned in article 0.1 or the username mentioned in article 0.2, it will not be considered plagiarism or imitation.
  • 0.4 AbbyBot originality: AbbyBot is an original project that takes inspiration from other bots existing on the Discord platform, but at no time does it plagiarize content owned by other authors.

1. AbbyBot Image and Colors

  • 1.1. Improper use: The image and colors associated with AbbyBot cannot be used to promote illegal, immoral activities or that violate the rights of third parties.
  • 1.2. Intellectual property: The owner of AbbyBot is the sole owner of the rights to the image, colors and any visual material used in the bot (except for contributions). Unauthorized use of these elements is prohibited.

2. Privacy and Data Usage

  • 2.1. User Data: AbbyBot collects and processes user data strictly for functionality and enhancement of user experience. Personal data will not be shared with third parties.
  • 2.2. Consent: By using AbbyBot, you agree to the terms outlined here, including our data usage policies.
  • 2.3 Personal Data: AbbyBot may collect some data that could be considered 'personal', such as the user's birthday. This data is completely voluntary and is used for productive purposes for AbbyBot. They will not be requested at any time; If the user wants to share this data, they will need to do so by using AbbyBot commands.

3. Limitation of liability

  • 3.1. Bot Operation: AbbyBot is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. The owner will not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use AbbyBot.
  • 3.2. Service Interruptions: Uninterrupted availability of AbbyBot is not guaranteed. The owner will not be responsible for temporary or permanent interruptions of service, whether caused by technical problems, maintenance or any other cause.

4. Modification of terms

  • 4.1. Updates: The owner of AbbyBot reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Updates will be notified to users through an announcement or notice within the bot. It is the user's responsibility to review the terms periodically.

5. Use not permitted

  • 5.1. Prohibition of abuse: The use of AbbyBot to harass, intimidate or take actions that negatively affect other users or communities is prohibited.
  • 5.2. Exclusion of services: The owner of AbbyBot reserves the right to disable access to the bot in case of abuse or non-compliance with the terms and conditions.

6. Privacy and security

  • 6.1. Data privacy: Although AbbyBot does not collect personal data without permission, any data collected will be handled in accordance with the privacy policies, protecting the information against unauthorized access.
  • 6.2. Security: The owner of AbbyBot will do its best to maintain the security of the bot, but does not guarantee that it is completely free of vulnerabilities or attacks.

7. Intellectual property

  • 7.1. Copyright: All rights to AbbyBot, including but not limited to source code, content, image and other visual elements, are the sole property of the developer.
  • 7.2. License to use: The user receives a limited, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use AbbyBot on Discord servers. Any attempt to redistribute, sell or alter the bot is strictly prohibited.

8. Community Rules

  • 8.1. Appropriate Conduct: Use of AbbyBot must adhere to the community standards of the Discord server it is installed on, as well as Discord policies.
  • 8.2. Handling Violations: The AbbyBot owner reserves the right to report violations of Discord policies to server administrators or to Discord itself.
  • 8.3. Voluntary reports: If a user detects misuse of AbbyBot, whether non-compliance with rules by the user or defects in the optimal functioning of AbbyBot, they are voluntarily invited to make a report at '', in order to maintain the fair and optimal functioning of AbbyBot.

9. Representation of the character

  • 9.1. Character Image: The AbbyBot image represents an underage fictional character. The use of this image in inappropriate contexts or that suggest any illegal, immoral activity or that may damage the integrity of the character is prohibited.
  • 9.2. Image Protection: The owner reserves the right to take legal action or report misuse of the character's image to the appropriate authorities if these rules are violated.
  • 9.3 Name of the character: The name of the character that represents AbbyBot is called 'Abigail "Abby" Monroe', it was created by Marcos Reyes, it can be called simply 'Abby' or 'AbbyBot'.

10. Voluntary contributions

  • 10.1 Voluntary contributions: Any contribution, whether monetary or artistic, is considered voluntary, the user will never be forced to make any contribution in order to use AbbyBot.
  • 10.2 Monetary contributions: All monetary contributions towards the AbbyBot Project on the different contribution platforms, such as Ko-fi, will be used exclusively to cover financial needs that ensure the operation of AbbyBot.
  • 10.3 Artistic contributions: Any artistic contributions towards 'AbbyBot Project' will respect the name and property of the author, with the exception of images that were created by 'Soledad' (AbbyBot Logo, AbbyBot-body) which are the property of the AbbyBot author.

11. Final user

  • 11.1 Responsibility: The end user, or group of users using 'AbbyBot', is responsible for any action they take. If any violation is committed, the user will be responsible for the consequences resulting from it.
  • 11.2 Agreement with the terms of use: If the end user does not agree with the terms of use of AbbyBot, he or she may choose not to use AbbyBot. If you are a server owner or administrator, you can remove AbbyBot; If you belong to a server where AbbyBot is operating, you can consult the server administrator or write to us via, requesting that your user be completely excluded from any AbbyBot-related activity.
  • 11.3 Do not participate in AbbyBot: If the end user decides not to participate in the AbbyBot project, the public data of their Discord account (user ID, username) will be stored in a table of users to be ignored, which will have a penalty counter. used for article 11.4, after this if the user tries to use any AbbyBot command or any event the system will not allow him to use any AbbyBot function.
  • 11.4 Participation request: If the end user decides to participate again in AbbyBot, they must complete a form where they tell us a reason to use AbbyBot again. After this, the penalty counter will be activated, if the user decides to leave AbbyBot participation. will be permanently deleted, therefore you will not be able to request a reactivation of your account to use AbbyBot.

Thanks for reading, remember to use and take care of AbbyBot, she will do the same for you!